
pkg93 Build Status

A package manager for Windows 93!

NOTE: If you're going to make a pull-request, please, for the love of god, try to keep the same coding style as the rest of the code. I don't care if your beautifer does it for you, or you think it looks fancy, just try to make the style consistent.

Table of Contents


Import the install.js from the latest release into Windows 93, and then run it with "js".

Adding my package to the main repoistory

Go here for more info.

Making a repository

Firstly, make sure that CORS is enabled on your webserver. If it isn't on, your users will be unable to download packages! Secondly you need to create a repo.json in the folder where you want your repository to be in. In it, there should be 4 keys. - name This is your repo's name. - msg This is your repo's message to all users. You can set it to anything you want! - packages This is an array containing all the names of packages. Here's an example:

  "name": "Example of a repo.json",
  "msg": "This is an example repo.json",
  "packages": [

Finally put all the packages in seperate folders named after the package. The end result should look like this:

├── repo.json
├── examplepkg1/
    (package files go here)
   └── package.json
├── examplepkg2/
    (package files go here)
   └── package.json
└── examplepkg3/
     (package files go here)
    └── package.json

Making a package

Firstly, you want to make a new folder called the name of the package. Then, you want to make a file called package.json in the folder. In it, there should be 4 keys. - name: Must be the same as the folder name and command name! (unless you've provided a uninstaller) - description A description of your package. - versions All versions of your package, newest version goes first, oldest version goes last. - inject: It should be the name of the injection script. - uninstall: Optional, It should be the name of the uninstaller script, if it doesn't exist pkg93 will simply delete the command for you. Here's a example:

  "name": "examplepkg",
  "description": "my kewl pakeg!!11",
  "versions": [
  "inject": "installer.js",
  "uninstall": "optionaluninstaller.js"

And the directory structure:

├── package.json
├── 1.0.0/
│   ├── installer.js
│   └── optionaluninstaller.js
└── 0.9.9/
    ├── installer.js
    └── optionaluninstaller.js



Gets the configuration, or returns false if something went wrong. Example:

var config = pkg93.getConfig();
if (config == false) {
  alert("Something went wrong...");
} else {
  alert("You have " + config.pkglist.length + " packages available!");

NOTE: pkg93.shutUp don't work with getConfig, as getConfig doesn't output anything. Redirecting output doesn't work either.

Configuration Format:

The configuration is a object with the following keys: - repos - All added repos. - installed - All installed packages. - pkglist - All available packages. All of these keys are arrays.


Refreshes the list of packages available. Example:

alert("You previously had " + pkg93.getConfig().pkglist.length + " packages available.");
await pkg93.pull();
alert("Now you have " + pkg93.getConfig().pkglist.length + " packages available!");


Tries to install package, then returns true if the package was installed or false if the package couldn't be installed.

succeded = await pkg93.get("wget93");
if (succeded) {
  alert("Installed wget93!");  
} else {
  alert("Something went wrong...");


Tries to remove package, then returns true if the package was removed or false if the package couldn't be removed.

succeded = await pkg93.rm("wget93");
if (succeded) {
  alert("Removed wget93!");
} else {
  alert("Something went wrong...");


Returns the package.json of package or an error if it failed.

package = await pkg93.pkgInfo("wget93");
if (package instanceof Error) {
  alert("Something went wrong...");
} else {
  alert("wget93's description is: " + package.description);


If you pass pkg93.shutUp as an extra argument (so pkg93.get("wget93") becomes pkg93.get("wget93", pkg93.shutUp)), it will silence all output.


You can specify where output goes by adding an extra argument with the format below:

  log: function(input) {
    // output the input variable (which is html)
    // if you are outputting to a html document, you must return the element you just added