# pkg93 ## Installation Unfinished! ## Making a repository Firstly, make sure that [CORS is enabled on your webserver](https://enable-cors.org/server.html). If it isn't on, your users will be unable to download packages! Secondly you need to create a repo.json in the folder where you want your repository to be in. Here's an example: ```json { "name": "Example of a repo.json", "motd": "This is an example repo.json", "packages": [ "examplepkg1", "examplepkg2", "examplepkg3" ] } ``` Finally put all the packages in seperate folders named after the package. The end result should look like this: ``` example-repo ├── repo.json ├── examplepkg1 │ │ (package files go here) │   └── package.json ├── examplepkg2 │ │ (package files go here) │   └── package.json └── examplepkg3 │ │ (package files go here)    └── package.json ``` ## Making a package Firstly, you want to make a new folder called the name of the package. Then, you want to make a file called package.json in the folder. In it, there should be 4 keys. - `"name"`: **Must be the same as the folder name and command name!** - `"version"`: An array of 3 numbers, 1st number is major, 2nd number is minor, 3rd number is patch. - `"inject"`: It should be the name of the injection script. - `"uninstall"`: Optional, It should be the name of the uninstaller script, if it doesn't exist pkg93 will simply delete the command for you. Here's a example: ```json { "name": "examplepkg", "version": [1, 3, 7], "inject": "installer.js", "uninstall": "mypointlessuninstaller.js" } ``` And the directory structure: ``` examplepkg ├── package.json ├── installer.js └── mypointlessuninstaller.js ```